202111mar1:00 pm3:00 pmGetting Ready for the 1950 US Census by Thomas MacEntee (via Zoom)

Event Details

Many genealogists remember the amount of excitement in April 2012 around the release of the 1940 US Census. Following the “72 Year Rule” for records at the National Archives, the results of the 1950 US Census will be made public on Friday, April 1, 2022. It’s never too early to prepare for this valuable data related to US genealogy research!
Participants will get up to speed on the history of the 1950 US Census, why the 1950 US Census form is radically different than previous forms, and how the data will be accessed. In addition we’ll cover what you can do NOW to prepare for the release of the 1950 US Census as well as volunteer projects related to indexing and finding aids. Finally, we’ll cover how you can always get the latest information related to the release of the 1950 US Census data!

What happens when a “tech guy” with a love for history gets laid off during The Great Recession of 2008? You get Thomas MacEntee, a genealogy professional based in the United States who is also a blogger, educator, author, social media connector, online community builder and more. Thomas has over 42 years of experience researching family history.

Thomas was laid off after a 25-year career in the information technology field, so he started his own genealogy-related business called High Definition Genealogy . Currently Thomas shares many of his articles and videos for free at Genealogy Bargains.com !

Thomas describes himself as a lifelong learner with a background in a multitude of topics who has finally figured out what he does best: teach, inspire, instigate, and serve as a curator and go-to-guy for concept nurturing and inspiration. Thomas is a big believer in success, and that we all succeed when we help each other find success.



march 11, 2021 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Zoom Meeting

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